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About data View

With data View, manufacturers can ensure that their products are always up-to-date and use the standard corporate design when they are displayed in all retailer channels, such as an online shop or physical point of sale. To make this possible, nexmart gathers all of a manufacturer’s product data and prepares it so that it can be supplied to all of a retailer’s analogue and digital channels. The product data can then be integrated directly into a retailer’s online shop using iFrame technology, for example. When the manufacturer updates or adds to the product database, the display is also adjusted in all channels in real time. Manufacturers can therefore use data View to help design how their products are presented by retailers and can ensure that the product information is correct. Retailers benefit from attractive displays of the latest product data to impress customers – with no recurring manual effort involved.

How data View works

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data View in practice

The Hänssler family is looking for a new pushchair. They conduct their research both in online shops and by visiting speciality stores. Wherever they look, extensive product information is available to them at all times: on the relevant product page in the online shop but also on digital displays in the speciality stores. This is because by using data View, manufacturers enable their retailers to present up-to-date information about their products at the point of sale. The Hänssler family therefore feels fully informed across all channels and can quickly choose their desired model.


What tasks do my retailers face during the implementation stage?

Depending on the requirements, retailers can choose between three different implementation options for data View. All options involve a manageable amount of setup work and simple execution.

Is data View SEO optimised?

No, data View is SEO neutral. This is necessary and expedient as several online shops can provide the same content when using data View. Being SEO optimised would lead to the online shops appearing lower down in the search engine rankings.

Can I analyse data with data View?

Yes. When using data View, reports can be created via Google Analytics.

An overview of all nexmart solutions